About Our Braindom Cheat and Answers Tool
You've come to the right place! Our Braindom Cheat Guide has every level in the game, with step by step instructions and video to help you through the game.
Braindom is an English language trivia game made by Matchingham Games Limited. It consists of tons of simple, yet tricky, levels that you have to go through. It can be a great way to pass the time and challenge yourself logically. If you love puzzle-like games, then you'll love Braindom, especially if you're one who enjoys brain teasers.
There are many kinds of levels in this mobile game. Some might tell you to find the hidden objects. Others might tell you to organize a list from largest to smallest.
Regardless of what the level is asking you to do, you can always count on there being a twist. Each puzzle tries to tease your brain and requires you to think out-of-the-box. This can make it very easy to get stuck on a level.

Braindom also offers some options for assistance if you get stuck on a level. If you need help, you can use the in-game hints that cost Brain Points in order to get assistance on the riddle.
Out of Brain Points? No need to worry! Braindom offers video ads that you can watch in order to get a free hint. You can access this ad by tapping on the "?" hint icon and press the free video ad option.
If you use a hint and you still can't beat the level, they offer one more option: a level skip. Skipping the level can help you out of any situation because you simply don't need to deal with it. There's a catch to using this option, though, as it requires that you use a hint first. If you use a hint and still can't beat it, press on the fast forward button to skip the level.
If you're looking to just save up all your Brain Points, there's a couple of ways you can get them. You can watch an ad to get 50 Brain Points, you can share the riddle to get help and an additional 100 Brain Points, or you can spend money to get different amounts of Brain Points which also removes forced ads from the game.

There's one last option you can do to get the answers to any level. You can use our Braindom Answers tool that we built specifically to get the cheats to people. We decided to put in the work of scouring through each level of the game for the answers so you don't have to. Then we put them all in a single location so you can have quick, easy access to them, complete with YouTube videos of each solution.
If you haven't tried playing Braindom yet, be sure to check it out on the Google Play or App Store!
Braindom Help Tool Instructions
To use our Braindom Cheat tool for help, enter your level number above. In case the levels are mixed up (Braindom has semi-random levels), you can also try searching for the riddle in the question box instead. After searching, we'll display the answer and, if available, a video walkthrough of the level you're on. We have all the answers and solutions for all your Braindom help needs!
For example, if you're on level 178, you can type "178" into the level box and press Enter or tap Search.
If the riddles are mixed up, then you can search the question instead. If the riddle says, "The movie is boring. Run it forward!", you can type that into the question box and press Enter or tap Search.
Thank you for using our Braindom cheat for all your Braindom answers needs! If you would like to search for Braindom 2 answers instead of just Braindom answers, just tap on the tab that says "Braindom 2" before searching.